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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "陔", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "陔", and master the standard way of writing the character "陔".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 陔
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "陔" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
陔 [gāi]
1. 台阶,层次 (Steps, levels)
例如:具泰一祠坛……三~ (For example: "A Taiji altar... three levels")
2. 田间的土岗子 (A low bank between fields)
3. 指“陔夏”(古乐章名)(Referring to "Gaixia", an ancient musical movement)
例如:宾出,奏~ (For example: "When the guests exit, perform 'Gaixia'")
【本义】: 台阶的层次 (Original meaning: Steps, levels)
【造字法】: 形声。从阜,亥声。从“阜”,表示与地形、地势的高低上下有关 (Composition: Phonetic and semantic; "阜" indicates a relation to terrain and elevation).
1. 《说文》:陔,阶次也 (Shuo Wen: "陔 is the order of steps").
2. 《汉书·郊祀志》:泰一坛三陔。 注:“重也。” (Han Shu: "A Taiji altar has three levels". Note: "It is heavy.")
4. 田埂 (A low bank between fields)
例如:南陔 (Southern bank)
例子引文:晋·束皙《补亡诗·南陔》:循彼南陔,言采其兰 (Jin, Shu Xi: "Walk along that southern bank to gather orchids.")
5. 古乐章《陔夏》的省称 (Abbreviation of the ancient musical movement "Gaixia")
例如:陔鼓 (Gu that accompanies the performance of "Gaixia")
例子引文:宾出,奏《陔》。 (When the guests exit, play "Gaixia".)
6. 通“垓” (Homophone of "垓")
7. 数词。十京(即一万万) (Numeric: one hundred million)
8. 八极,极远的地方 (A place very far from)
例子引文:灵凤所以晨起丹穴,夕萃轩丘,日未移晷,周章九陔 (Reference to a distant location in the context of the phoenix’s activities).