Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "泮", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "泮", and master the standard way of writing the character "泮".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 泮
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "泮" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
泮 [pàn]
1. 散,解。
- Dissolve; disperse.
- Example: 冰泮 - ice melts; 泮涣 - dissolve (melt, disperse).
2. 〔泮池〕古代学宫前的水池。
- Pan pond – the water pond in front of ancient academies.
3. 〔泮宫〕古代的学校。
- Pan palace – an ancient school.
4. 〔泮汗〕水广大的样子。
- Panhan – a vast appearance of water.
5. 姓。
- A surname.
6. 【本义】古代天子诸侯举行宴会或作为学宫的宫殿,也称泮宫。
- Original meaning: A palace where ancient emperors or feudal lords held banquets or served as an academy, also known as Pan palace.
7. 【造字法】形声,从水,半声。
- Character structure: A phonetic compound character from 水 (water) and 半 (half).
8. 同本义 ([En.] school)。西南为水,东北为墙,一半有水,一半无水。
- Same original meaning: A school; half water on the southwest, half wall on the northeast.
9. 通“畔”。岸;水边 ([En.] side; waterside).
- Can mean "side" or "waterside."
10. 河名。泮水 ([En.] Pan river)。发源于泰山西北谷,东南流经泰安县,又东南流入大汶河。
- Name of a river: Pan River, originating from the northwest valley of Tai Mountain, flowing southeast through Tai'an County, and then southeast into the Dawen River.
动 [pàn]
1. 冰雪融解 ([En.] melt).
- Example: 又如: 泮涣 (to melt; to disperse); 泮冻 (to defrost).
2. 通“判”。分离 ([En.] divide; separate).
- Example: 又如: 泮合 (combine); 泮坼 (to fracture).