盤 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 盤
Stroke Order Diagrams for 盤
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 盤
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 盤
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "盤" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "盤" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 盤
big / wooden tray, dish / tray / to build / to check / to examine / to transfer / (a measure word used for dishes of food or coils of wire) / to coil
盤 pán
1. 盛放物品的扁而淺的用具:[En.] tray; plate; dish.
- 茶盤。菜盤。托盤。
2. 形狀像盤或有盤的功用的東西:[En.] sth. shaped like of, used as a tray, plate, etc.
- 字盤。棋盤。算盘。磨盤。
3. 迴旋,迴繞,屈曲:[En.] wind.
- 盤旋。盤桓。盤曲。盤亙。盤鬱。盤根錯節。
4. 壘,砌:[En.] build.
- 盤竈。盤炕。
5. 仔細查究:[En.] interrogate.
- 盤問。盤駁。盤察。盤查。盤貨。盤算(細心打算)。
6. 指市場上成交的價格:[En.] current price; market quotation.
- 開盤。收盤。
7. 轉讓(工商企業):[En.] transfer.
- 出盤。招盤。受盤。
8. 搬運:[En.] carry.
- 盤運。
9. 量詞:[En.] measure word.
- 一盤磨。
10. 姓:[En.] surname.
1. 圍繞;纏繞:[En.] wind.
2. 盤問,盤查:[En.] interrogate.
3. 交結;連結:[En.] join; connect.
4. 娛樂:[En.] amuse.
5. 遊串;串街走巷:[En.] go here and there.
6. 計算:[En.] calculate.
7. 用…修造(如:[En.] build)。
8. 經過合法手續索取一定報酬而辦理或協商轉交權利等:[En.] transfer.
9. 攀爬:[En.] climb.
10. 搬運:[En.] carry.
11. 通「盤」。徘徊,逗留:[En.] linger.
通「蟠」。盤曲,迴繞 ([En]: tortuous; twine).
1. 用於物量:[En.] measure word for objects.
2. 用於動量:[En.] measure word for actions.