盫 [ān]
1. 同“盦”。
Same as "盦".
2. [动]
- 覆盖 (cover)
Example: 若盫盖平严密,则郁而不散。
Translated: If covered evenly and tightly, it will remain enclosed and not dissipate. — Wang Fu-zhih, "Zhang Zi Zheng Meng Annotation"
- 遮盖或密封有机物使发酵 (ferment)
Example: 如:盫酒 (米饭拌酒母置于容器中以酝酿成酒)
Translated: Such as: covering wine (rice mixed with the wine starter placed in a container to brew into wine).
3. [名]
古代盛食物的器具 (chinese utensil for containing food)
Example: 陶宗仪《辍耕录》:古器之名,则有…壶、盫、瓿。
Translated: Tao Zongyi, "Chuo Geng Lu": The names of ancient utensils include... pots, 盫, and 扑.