Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "唵", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "唵", and master the standard way of writing the character "唵".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 唵
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "唵" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
(interjection) oh! / (dialect) to stuff sth in one's mouth / (used in buddhist transliterations) om
唵 [ǎn]
1. 用手抓东西吃。
- Put something into the mouth using the hand.
2. 佛教咒语用字。
- A character used in Buddhist mantras.
3. 含。
- To contain.
4. 用手抓东西吃:“偷米~之”。
- Put something into the mouth using the hand: "to steal rice and eat it."
5. 佛教咒语的发声字 (如:om)。
- The phonetic character in Buddhist mantras (e.g., om). It is a combination of the characters 婀, 乌, and 莽.
6. 把手里握着的粒状或粉末状的东西塞进嘴里 (如:唵了一口炒米;唵了两口雪)。
- To put a granular or powdered substance held in hand into the mouth (e.g., ate a mouthful of fried rice; took two mouthfuls of snow).
7. “唵”字包括有所谓摄伏的作用,据说行此法时,可使一切诸天龙神听从指挥。
- The character "唵" includes a so-called subjugation effect; it is said that performing this method allows all celestial beings and dragon gods to obey commands.