Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "浹", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "浹", and master the standard way of writing the character "浹".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 浹
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "浹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 浸漬;透徹 (Soaking; penetrating)
- Example: 《淮南子·原道》: "不浸於肌膚,不浹於骨髓。" (Not soaked into the skin, nor penetrating the marrow.)
2. 通達;透過 (To understand; to get through)
- Example: 《荀子·解蔽》: "其所以貫理焉,雖億萬已不足以浹萬物之變,與愚者若一。" (The reason for understanding it is that even millions are not sufficient to penetrate the changes of all things, as with a fool who is like one.)
3. 周匝 (To circle around)
- 如天干由甲日至癸日稱為「浹日」;地支由子日至亥日稱為「浹辰」。 (The cycle of heavenly stems from Day Jia to Day Gui is termed "浹日"; the cycle of earthly branches from Rat to Pig is termed "浹辰".)
1. 整個兒的 (Full)
- Example: 《左傳·成公九年》: "浹辰之間而楚克其三都。" (Within the full period, the State of Chu conquered its three capitals.)
2. 融洽 (On friendly terms)
- Example: 唐·韓愈《新修滕王閣記》: "其歲九月,人吏浹和。" (In September of that year, the officials were harmonious.)
1. 遍及;滿 (Throughout; full)
- Example: 明·徐弘祖《徐霞客遊記·卷一○上·滇遊日記十二》: "山雨忽來,傾盆倒峽,浹地交流。" (Suddenly, the mountain rain came, pouring down like a shower and soaking the ground.)
1. 同本義 (Same original meaning) [En. saturate]
2. 通達,理解 (To understand) [En. understand]
Additional meanings:
- 水流廣大貌 (The appearance of a wide flow of water)
- Example: 《集韻•洽韻》: "浹,浹渫,水皃。" (浹, flowing water, the appearance of water.)