Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "戛", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "戛", and master the standard way of writing the character "戛".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 戛
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "戛" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
【本义】: 戟,一种兵器
1. 长矛。
(A spear.)
2. 敲,敲打。
(To knock, to strike.)
3. 常礼;常法。
(Customs; regular practices.)
4. 刮。
(To scrape.)
5. 象声词:~然长鸣。
(Onomatopoeia: "long and clear sound.")
【造字法】: 会意。从首( shǒu),头,从戈。合起来指杀头的兵器。
(Composition: Ideogram. Composed of "head" and "spear," together indicating a weapon for execution.)
1 《书·益稷》:戛击鸣球。
(From Shujing: "strike and make the ball sound.")
又如: 戛玉敲金(形容声调铿锵悦耳); 戛击(敲击); 戛玉(敲击玉片)
(For example: "strike jade and strike gold" (describing a melodious tone); "strike" (to hit); "strike jade" (to hit jade pieces).)
1. 轻轻地敲打 ([En.] knock gently)
2. 刮,用刀去掉某物 ([En.] scrape)
1 《天工开物》:铁线弓戛平其面。
(From "Tian Gong Kai Wu": "scrape the surface flat with iron wire bows.")
(Used in place names, such as Pingjia (in western Yunnan).)