祼 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 祼
Stroke Order Diagrams for 祼
Information of 祼
祼 [guàn]
1. 古代酌酒灌地以祭。
[En.] Sacrificial ceremony of pouring water to irrigate the field.
2. 古代君主对朝见的诸侯酌酒相敬。
[En.] Propose a toast to the lords who come to pay respects.
1. 《说文》:祼,灌祭也。 按:“以酒灌地以请神曰祼。”
[En.] "Guàn is the ritual of pouring sacrificial offerings. To pour wine on the ground to request the spirit is called guàn."
2. 《周礼·春官·大宗伯》:以肆献祼享先王。
[En.] "To present offerings in the guàn ceremony for the ancestors."
3. 《国语·周语上》:王祼鬯。
[En.] "The king performed the guàn ceremony with a sacrificial wine."
4. 《左传·襄公九年》:吾冠必以祼享之礼行之。
[En.] "My crowning must be accompanied by the rites of guàn."
5. 《周礼·秋官·大行人》:王礼再祼而酢。
[En.] "The king must perform the guàn ceremony twice before the fermented drink."
6. 《书·洛诰》:王入太室祼。
[En.] "The king entered the main chamber to perform the guàn ceremony."
7. 《诗·大雅·文王》:殷士肤敏,祼将于京。
[En.] "The skillful scholar of Yin shall perform the guàn in the capital."
- 祼将 (为帝王助祭,行灌鬯之礼)
[En.] "Guàn jiāng (to assist the emperor in sacrificial rites with pouring wine)."
- 祼事 (用酒奠祭先人及赐宾客饮之类的事)
[En.] "Guàn shì (the act of using wine to honor ancestors and to serve guests)."
- 祼献 (古代帝王、王后祭祀时,以香酒灌地、以腥熟之食献神的礼仪。亦泛指祼礼)
[En.] "Guàn xiàn (the ritual where ancient kings and queens offered wine and cooked meat to the spirits; also generally refers to the guàn ritual)."
- 祼鬯 (古代祭祀仪式。以香酒灌地而告神)
[En.] "Guàn chàng (the ancient sacrificial ritual where fragrant wine is poured on the ground to address the spirits)."
2. 对朝见的诸侯行祼礼,以爵酌香酒敬宾客。
[En.] Propose a toast to the lords who come to pay respects.
1. 《周礼·青官·典瑞》:祼圭有瓒,以肆先王,以祼宾客。
[En.] "The guàn jade vessel is used to honor the ancestors and to toast the guests."
- 祼玉 (古代举行禅祭时所用的玉器)
[En.] "Guàn yù (the jade used in ancient ceremonial sacrifices)."
- 祼圭 (古代玉制酒器。帝王用来盛酒降神或盛宴宾客)
[En.] "Guàn guī (the ancient jade wine vessel used by emperors to serve wine or host banquet guests)."