篘 [chōu]
1. 一种竹制的滤酒的器具。
(A type of bamboo-made wine filtering device.)
2. 滤(酒)
(“To filter (wine)”)
3. 酒。
4. 无底竹筐。
(A bamboo basket without a bottom.)
1. 元· 范康《竹叶舟》:“自酿下黄花酒,亲提着这斑竹篘。”
(Yuan Dynasty - Fan Kang's "Bamboo Leaf Boat": "Brewed my own yellow flower wine, personally carrying this striped bamboo filtering device.")
2. 宋· 苏轼《溪堂读书》:“近日秋雨足,公余试新篘。”
(Song Dynasty - Su Shi's "Reading in the Stream Hall": "Recently, with enough autumn rain, I attempted the new filtering device in my spare time.")
(To filter wine.)
1. 宋· 苏轼《江城子》:“今夜巫山真个好,花未落,酒新篘。”
(Song Dynasty - Su Shi's "Riverside City": "Tonight the Wushan is truly beautiful, flowers have not fallen, wine is newly filtered.")