雠 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 雠
Stroke Order Diagrams for 雠
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 雠
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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "雠", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "雠", and master the standard way of writing the character "雠".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 雠
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "雠" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "雠" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 雠
雠 (chóu)
1. 校对文字 ([En.] proof read)
2. 同“仇”。仇恨;仇怨 ([En.] hatred)
3. 同“仇”。仇敌 ([En.] enemy)
4. 售,给价 ([En.] sell, offer a price)
5. 应对 ([En.] respond)
6. 同“酬”,酬酢 ([En.] reward, reciprocate)
雠 (chóu)
1. 校对文字:校~。~校。~定(校对并加以考证) ([En.] proof read)
2. 同“仇” ([En.] same as "enemy").
3. 同等:“史高与金安上……皆~有功” ([En.] equal: "Shi Gao and Jin An both have merits")
4. 售,给价 ([En.] sell, offer a price)
5. 应对:~问(辩驳问难) ([En.] respond: "to question or challenge")
6. 同“酬”,酬酢 ([En.] same as "reward, reciprocate")
雠 (chóu)
本义: 应答 ([En.] respond)
1. 同本义 ([En.] same original meaning)
2. 校对文字 ([En.] proof read)
1. 《说文》:雠,犹应也。 按,以言相当也。
2. 《三苍》:雠,对也。
3. 《诗·大雅·抑》:无言不雠。
4. 《左传·僖公五年》:忧必雠也。
5. 《战国策·赵策一》:著之盘盂,属之雠柞。
例子: 雠祚(在筵席上宾主互相敬酒)
雠 (chóu)
名词: (为仇的异体字) ([En.] variant of "enemy")
1. 同“仇”。仇恨;仇怨 ([En.] hatred)
1. 《一切经音义》引》《三苍》:怨偶曰雠。
2. 《楚辞·惜诵》:又众兆之所雠。 注:“大怨曰雠。”
例子: 雠怨(仇恨,憎怨);雠隙(猜忌、仇恨)
3. 同“仇”。仇敌 ([En.] enemy)
1. 《诗·邶风·谷风》:反以我为雠。
2. 《左传》:祁大夫外举不弃雠,内举不失亲。