Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "雙", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "雙", and master the standard way of writing the character "雙".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 雙
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "雙" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
雙 (shuāng)
1. 禽鳥兩隻。
(En.) Two birds.
2. 兩個;一對。
(En.) Two; a pair.
Example: 雙方 (both sides); 雙翅 (two wings); 成雙成對 (come in pairs).
Reference: 《史記•項羽本紀》:“(沛公)曰:‘我持白璧一雙,欲獻項王,玉斗一雙,欲與亞父。’”
3. 偶數。
(En.) Even number.
Example: 雙數 (even numbers); 雙號 (even numbered days); 雙日 (even days).
Reference: 《詩•齊風•南山》:“葛履五兩,冠緌雙止。”
4. 匹敵。
(En.) Match.
Reference: 《史記•淮陰侯列傳》:“(蕭)何曰:‘諸將易得耳,至如信者,國士無雙。’”
5. 相從;相伴。
(En.) Accompany; together.
Reference: 《文子•符言》:“惡少愛衆,天下雙。”
6. 量詞。用於成對的東西。
(En.) Measure word for pairs of objects.
Example: 一雙筷子 (a pair of chopsticks); 兩雙襪子 (two pairs of socks).
Reference: 《國語•晉語二》:“黃金四十鎰,白玉之珩六雙。”
7. 古代一種田畝計算單位。田广二亩、四亩、五亩都可称双,各从方俗,无定制。
(En.) An ancient unit of land measurement, where two mu, four mu, and five mu can all be referred to as "雙," based on local customs; there's no fixed standard.
Reference: 唐樊綽《蠻書•蠻夷風俗》:“田曰雙,漢五畝也。”
8. 姓。
(En.) Surname.
Reference: 《通志•氏族略二》:“雙氏,顓帝之後,封於雙蒙城,其後因以命氏焉。宋朝有尚書郎雙漸,無為軍人。”
9. 相配偶。
(En.) Matching or pairing.
Reference: 《集韻•絳韻》:“雙,相偶也。”