糜 Stroke Order
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Information of 糜
mí、 méi
dissolved / rice-gruel / wasted
糜 [mí]
1. 粥。
2. 烂,碎。
Soft, crushed.
3. 浪费。
4. 姓。
A surname.
5. 粥:肉~。~沸(形容混乱纷扰)。
Porridge: meat porridge. Boiling porridge (describing great confusion).
6. 烂,碎:~烂。~躯(牺牲生命)。~灭。
Soft, crushed: soft and broken. Sacrificing life. Destroyed.
7. 浪费:~费。
Waste: to waste.
8. 姓。
A surname.
9. 【本义】: 粥
Basic meaning: porridge.
10. 【造字法】: 形声。从米,麻声。
Etymology: Phono-semantic compound. From "rice"; sounds like "ma."
11. 【引】
1. 《说文》: 糜,糁也。(Porridge)
2. 《释名·释饮食》: 糜,煮米使糜烂也。(Porridge is made by boiling rice until it becomes soft.)
3. 《广韵》: 糜,糜粥。(Porridge.)
4. 粥之稠者曰糜。——《尔雅·释言》注 (The thicker porridge is called 糜.)
5. 古乐府《东门行》: 他家但愿富贵,贱妾与君共餔糜。(Hoping for wealth, he and I share porridge.)
12. 【例】
Example: 又如: 糜沸 (metaphor for great confusion as porridge boils in a pot); 糜粥 (porridge).
13. 【引】
1. 《荀子·富国》: 以糜敝之。“散也” (Wasting it.)
2. 贾山《至言》: 万钧之所压,无不糜灭者 (Under pressure, nothing escapes destruction.)
14. 【例】
Example: 又如: 糜没 (Shattered and destroyed); 糜灭 (Shattered and destroyed); 糜躯 (Sacrificing one's life); 糜捐 (Self-sacrifice); 糜粉 (Crushed; also refers to debris.)
15. 【引】
1. 《三国志·魏书·卫觊传》: 不益于好而糜费功夫。(Not beneficial and wasted effort.)
2. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》: 徒糜弹药。(Wasting ammunition.)
16. 【例】
Example: 又如: 糜耗 (Waste); 糜费 (Waste); 糜损 (Loss due to waste).
17. 不黏的黍(亦称“穄”)。
Non-sticky millet (also known as "穄").
18. 不黏的黍(亦称“穄”):~子。~黍。~子面。
Non-sticky millet: millet grains. Millet flour.
19. 蘪 méi
Variant pronunciation: méi.
20. 另见 mí
See also: mí.
dissipated / rotten / decaying
variant of 靡費|靡费[mi2 fei4]