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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "肱", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "肱", and master the standard way of writing the character "肱".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 肱
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "肱" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
肱 [gōng]
【本义】: 上臂,手臂由肘到肩的部分
【造字法】: 形声。从肉,厷( gōng )声。
1. 定义: 胳膊由肘到肩的部分。
English: The part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder.
例句: ~骨。曲~而枕。
Example: Arm bone. Bend the arm and rest on it.
2. 比喻: 强大、得力的助手。
English: Metaphor for a strong and capable assistant.
例句: 股~之臣。
Example: Loyal and powerful ministers of the emperor.
1. 《说文》: 肘臂节也。 段注: “厷与臂之节曰肘,股与胫之节曰膝。”
English: "The elbow is a joint of the arm, and the knee is a joint of the thigh and tibia."
2. 《诗·小雅·元差别》: 麾之以肱,毕来既升。
English: "Waving with the arm, everyone comes and rises."
3. 《论语》: 曲肱而枕之。
English: "Bend the arm and rest on it."
1. 洸洸司徒公,天子股与肱。——唐· 韩愈诗
English: "The grand Chancellor, a most trusted aide of the Emperor."
2. 股肱之臣。
English: "Ministers who are like arms and thighs to the ruler."