Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "公", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "公", and master the standard way of writing the character "公".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 公
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "公" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
公 [gōng]
形 (Adjective)
1. 正直无私,为大家利益 (Just and selfless, serving the interest of all).
2. 共同的,大家承认的 (Common and recognized by everyone).
3. 国家,社会,大众 (Nation, society, public).
4. 让大家知道 (Make known to everyone).
5. 封建制度最高爵位 (The highest rank in feudal hierarchy).
6. 敬辞,尊称男子 (Honorific term for men).
7. 雄性的 (Male).
8. 对长辈和年老人的称呼 (Term of address for elders).
9. 姓 (A surname).
名 (Noun)
1. 朝廷;国家 (The court; the state).
2. 君王 (Emperor).
3. 公事;政府或机关的工作 (Official business; work of government or institutions).
4. 古爵位名 (Duke).
5. 古代朝廷最高官位的通称 (General term for high-ranking officials in ancient courts).
6. 旧时对男性的长者或老人的尊称 (Respectful term for elder men).
7. 通“翁”。父。又丈夫的父亲 (Term for father; husband’s father).
8. 长本人两辈的男性亲属 (Male family member from two generations above).
9. 通“功”。劳绩,功绩 (Meritorious service; achievement).
动 (Verb)
公布,让众人知道 (To make known; to publish). 如:公之于世 (Make public to the world); 公之世人 (Make known to all people).
副 (Adverb)
1. 公然;公开地 (Openly).