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賮 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 賮

賮 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 賮

賮 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 賮

Pinyin jìn
16 strokes
賮: 1. In ancient times, refers to gifts presented during a meeting. 古代指會面時贈送的禮物。 2. Financial gifts presented when bidding farewell. 送行時贈送的財物。 3. Tribute or offerings. 進貢的財物。 4. To dedicate or present as a gift. 奉獻,贈送。 Further explanations: 1. In ancient texts, it indicates gifts given during meetings. (《説文•貝部》:“賮,會禮也。”) 古代指會面時贈送的禮物。《説文•貝部》:“賮,會禮也。” 2. It refers to financial contributions made during farewells. (《六書故•動物四》:“賮,行資也。”《字彙•貝部》:“賮,送行財幣。”) 送行時贈送的財物。《六書故•動物四》:“賮,行資也。”《字彙•貝部》:“賮,送行財幣。” 3. It signifies the property given as tribute. (晋王嘉《拾遺記•周》:“靡不越岳航海,交賮於遼險之路。”) 進貢的財物。晋王嘉《拾遺記•周》:“靡不越岳航海,交賮於遼險之路。” 4. Refers to offerings or gifts in general. (《集韻•稕韻》:“賮,貨以將意曰賮。”) 奉獻,贈送。《集韻•稕韻》:“賮,貨以將意曰賮。”
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