1. To record people; to record objects.
名词 (noun)
船 ([En.] boat; ship)
"賹首" refers to a boat. — "Guangya"
王念孙疏证, “賹首, 本作鹢首, 画鹢于船首, 因命其船为鹢首也。”
Wang Niansun explains, "賹首 originally wrote as 鹢首, depicting a 'e' (a bird) on the boat's head, hence naming the boat as 'e head'."
又如:賹首(船头。古代常于船头上画鹢开, 故名。亦称賹首。亦代指船)
Also, for example: "賹首" (the bow of the boat. In ancient times, boats often had an 'e' painted at the bow, hence the name. It is also referred to as "賹首" and can also refer to the boat itself.)