Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "赏", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "赏", and master the standard way of writing the character "赏".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 赏
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "赏" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
赏 (shǎng)
1. Refers to the act of a person of high status or an elder giving property to a person of lower status or a junior.
2. To view something out of appreciation for it.
3. To recognize the value of a person's talent or work and give it importance.
4. Honorific term.
5. A surname.
6. Same as "尚", meaning to respect.
1. Refers to the act of a person of high status or an elder giving property to a person of lower status or a junior: 赏金,赏赐,奖赏,赏罚分明。
2. To view something out of appreciation for it: 赏阅,赏析,赏花,赏月,欣赏,鉴赏,赏心悦目。
3. To recognize the value of a person's talent or work and give it importance: 赏识,赞赏。
4. Honorific term: 赏脸,赏光。
5. A surname.
6. Same as "尚", meaning to respect.
赏 (shǎng)
- Verb (动)
- Original meaning: to grant a reward; to award.
- 【造字法】: Phonetic compound, consisting of the component "贝" (shell) and the sound "尚".
1. The same as the original meaning (grant a reward; award).
同本义 ([En.] grant a reward; award)
2. To enjoy or appreciate.
玩赏;欣赏 ([En.] enjoy; appreciate)
3. To praise.
称颂,赞扬 ([En.] praise)
4. Same as "尚". To respect.
通“尚”。尊重 ([En.] respect)
1. Award given or granted.
赐予或奖给的东西 ([En.] award)
2. A measure word. A unit for measuring land area, also written as “晌”. Later became “垧”.