轖 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 轖
Stroke Order Diagrams for 轖
Information of 轖
轖 sè
1. 古代车旁用皮革交错而成的障蔽物
(English: Screen made of interwoven leather beside ancient vehicles)
2. 通“塞”。涩,气结不畅
(English: Related to "塞". Puckery; astringent, indicating obstructed or unventilated condition)
1. 《说文》:轖,车藉交错也。从车,啬声。按,车藉当作车轖。
(English: From "Shuō wén": 轖 is an interlaced covering for a vehicle. It stems from "vehicle" with 'sè' as the sound. Note that "vehicle covering" should be read as 车轖.)
2. 枚乘《七发》:中若结车轖。
(English: From "Qī fā": "Caught in a similar entanglement as vehicle coverings". This implies confusion and intertwining.)
又如: 结轖(编结制作车旁障蔽物)
(English: For example: 结轖 (to weave and create a side covering for a vehicle))
如: 轖舌(涩舌,不顺口); 轖结(郁结不畅)
(English: For example: 轖舌 (puckery tongue, not smooth); 轖结 (stagnation and obstruction))