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鍠 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 鍠

鍠 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 鍠

鍠 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 鍠

Pinyin huáng
17 strokes
鍠 huáng 1. 象聲詞。 Onomatopoeia. 《爾雅•釋訓》:“鍠鍠,樂也。” "Er ya: 'huáng huáng, it is music.'" 《説文•金部》:“鍠,鐘聲也。《詩》曰:‘鐘鼓鍠鍠。’” "Shuowen: 'huáng is the sound of bells. The Book of Songs says: 'The sound of bells and drums is huáng huáng.'” 《廣雅•釋詁四》:“鍠,聲也。” "Guangya: 'huáng, it is a sound.'" 2. 一種似鉞的古兵器。 An ancient weapon similar to a battle axe. 《集韻•唐韻》:“鍠,兵器也。” "Jiyun: 'huáng, it is a weapon.'" 鍠 huáng 1. 鐘聲 ([En.] sound of bells) 2. 一種似鉞的兵器。漢唐用作儀仗 ([En.] ancient weapon) 【引】 1. 《說文》:鍠,鐘聲也。 "Shuowen: huáng, it is the sound of bells." 2. 《詩·周頌·執競》:鐘鼓鍠鍠。 "The Book of Songs, Zhou Song: 'The sound of bells and drums is huáng huáng.'" 3. 《文心雕龍·原道》:至於林籟結響,調如竽瑟;泉石激韻,和若球鍠。 "Wenxin Diaolong: 'As for the sound of the forest, it resonates; its melody is like a yu se; the sound of springs and rocks harmonizes, like the sound of huáng.'" 4. 茅盾《子夜》:在他耳邊,立刻又充滿了鍠鍠鍠的鑼聲。 "Mao Dun: 'In his ears, the sound of the gongs filled with huáng huáng huáng.'” 鍠 huáng 1. 鐘聲 ([En.] sound of bells) 2. 一種似鉞的兵器。漢唐用作儀仗 ([En.] ancient weapon) 【引】 1. 《正字通》:鍠,兵器。 "Zhengzitong: 'huáng is a weapon.'" 2. 晉· 崔豹《古今注·輿服》:鍠,秦改鐵鋮作鍠,始皇制也。 "Cui Bao: 'In the Qin Dynasty, huáng was made from iron, established by the First Emperor.'"
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