Definition of 「鐏」:
1. A conical metal cover at the lower end of a halberd handle.
2. An ancient term for "zun", a wine cup from ancient times.
3. A type of agricultural tool mentioned in ancient texts.
4. A surname.
Noun: The conical part made of copper at the lower end of a halberd handle. "Shuowen Jiezi, Jinbu": "鐏,柲下铜也。" (A metal piece at the end of the handle). "Xin Tang Shu, Volume 125, Biography of Zhang Shi": "This is like holding a sword or halberd upside down, showing people the 鐏柄. I secretly think this should not be taken, Your Majesty."
名词: 戈柄下端铜制的圆锥形部分。《说文解字.金部》:“鐏,柲下铜也。”《新唐书.卷一二五.张说传》:“是犹倒持剑戟,示人鐏柄,臣窃为陛下不取。”