Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鑽", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鑽", and master the standard way of writing the character "鑽".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鑽
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鑽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 穿孔的工具。
Drill; auger.
2. 古代施行臏刑的刑具,亦用作刑法名。
An ancient torture device used for punishment, also used as a term for a method of punishment.
3. 金剛鑽(即鑽石)的簡稱。
Abbreviation for diamond (or 'brilliant').
1. 穿孔的工具。如:電鑽;鑽頭。
A tool for drilling holes, e.g., electric drill; drill bit.
2. 古代施行臏刑的刑具,亦用作刑法名。
An ancient torture device used for punishment; also refers to a method of punishment.
3. 金剛鑽(即鑽石)的簡稱。
A shorthand term for diamond (or 'brilliant').
鑽 (zuàn)
1. 鑽孔的器具 (En: drill; auger)
2. 鑽石的簡稱 (En: diamond; jewel)
3. 另見 zuān
1. 鑽孔,打眼。
To create holes or apertures.
2. 穿過;進入或突出。
To penetrate; to enter or protrude.
3. 鑽研;窮究義理。
To study intensively; to delve deeply into theories.
4. 投機鑽營。
To engage in opportunistic behavior.
5. 指矛刃、矢鏃。
Referring to spearheads or arrowheads.
6. 特指鑽刺龜甲並以火灼以卜吉凶。
Specifically refers to drilling into turtle shells and using fire for divination.
7. 通“ 攢 ”。聚。
Related to "zan" meaning to gather.
8. 通“ 劗 ”。剪。
Related to "le" meaning to cut.
9. 姓。
鑽 (zuān)
1. (形聲。从金,贊聲。本義是穿孔的工具,又表示穿孔、刺穿。)
(Pictophonetic: From 'metal', indicating sound. The original meaning is a tool for boring holes; it also denotes the act of penetrating or piercing.)
2. 同本義 (En: drill; bore)
3. 鑽研,集中精力學習,推究事理 (En: study intensively)
4. 投機鑽營 (En: secure personal gain)
5. 進入 (En: get into)
6. 穿過 (En: break through)
7. 另見 zuàn
(An alternate pronunciation.)