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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "暇", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "暇", and master the standard way of writing the character "暇".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 暇
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "暇" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
暇 [xiá]
1. Noun: Free time; leisure; when one has no tasks or obligations.
Example: 得~ (to have free time).
Example: 闲~ (leisurely time).
Example: 无~ (no free time).
Example: 应接不~ (unable to attend to everything).
Example: 目不~接 (unable to take a moment’s rest).
2. Noun: Leisure, spare time.
Example from 龚自珍《病梅馆记》 (“Record of the Sick Plum Garden”).
3. Adjective: Leisurely and carefree.
Example: 悠闲 ([En.] leisurely and carefree).
4. Adjective: Unhurried, calm, and composed.
Example: 从容,不慌不忙,大方自如 ([En.] unhurried).
1. 《说文》: 暇, 闲也 (leisure).
2. 《书·无逸》: 不敢自暇自逸 (do not dare to indulge in leisure).
3. 《左传·成公十六年》: 好以瑕 (tendency towards flaws).
4. 《韩非子·外储说右下》: 救亡不暇,安得王哉? (In times of emergency, there is no time to spare; how can one afford leisure?).
5. 安得使予多暇日,又多闲由 (How can I have many leisurely days, and much time to spare?).
又如: 暇时 (leisure time); 暇刻 (leisure moment); 暇晷 (leisure days); 暇景 (leisurely time).
1. 《国语·晋语》: 将吊不暇 (to plan, but no time to spare).
2. 唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》: 炊不暇熟 (too little time to cook properly).
又如: 暇裕 (leisurely and unhurried); 暇适 (comfortable during leisure time).
1. 清·魏源《默觚下》: 谢便起舞,神意甚暇 (After a while, he began to dance, feeling very leisurely).
(Note: This entry contains references from traditional dictionaries.)
(Note: There is another pronunciation and meaning listed.)