Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "浃", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "浃", and master the standard way of writing the character "浃".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 浃
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "浃" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
浃 (jiā)
1. 湿透 (saturate)
Example: 汗流浃背 (Sweat drenches the back).
2. 周匝 (full cycle)
Example: 浃日 (in ancient times, the day represented by the干支 was called '浃日').
浃辰 (from Zi to Hai, a complete cycle of twelve days is called '浃辰').
3. 深入,融洽 (deeply integrated, on friendly terms)
Example: 浃洽 (to be on friendly terms).
浃 (jiā) [动]
- 【本义】: 湿透 (The original meaning: to saturate)
- 【造字法】: 形声。从水,夹声 (Method of forming the character: phonetic and ideological indicators, deriving from the water component).
1. 同本义 ([En.] saturate)
引用: 明· 袁宏道《满井游记》:汗出浃背。 (Record from Ming Dynasty: "Sweat drenches the back.")
例: 又如: 汗流浃背; 浃髓沦肌,浃髓沧肤,浃沦肌髓 (to penetrate deeply into the bone and skin; metaphorically indicating a profound feeling).
2. 通达,理解 ([En.] understand)
引用:《荀子》: 其所以贯理焉,虽亿万已不足以浃万物之变,与愚者若一。 (In Xunzi: Even millions would not be enough to comprehend all the changes in the world, just as the foolish among us remain oblivious).
浃 (jiā) [形]
1. 整个儿的 ([En.] full)
引用: 《左传·成公九年》:浃辰之间而楚克其三都。 (In Zuozhuan: "During the full cycle of the day, Chu captured three capitals.")
例: 又如: 浃岁 (a whole year); 浃时 (a season); 浃月 (a month); 浃辰 (twelve days); 浃旬 (a ten-day period).
2. 融洽 ([En.] on friendly terms)
引用: 唐· 韩愈《新修滕王阁记》:其岁九月,人吏浃和。(In Tang Dynasty: "In September of that year, the officials got along well with each other").