Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "疆", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "疆", and master the standard way of writing the character "疆".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 疆
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "疆" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
疆 (jiāng)
1. Region, domain, boundary.
- Examples: 边疆 (border region), 海疆 (maritime boundary).
2. Limit.
- Example: 万寿无疆 (May you live long with no limits).
3. Demarcate boundaries.
- Example: 楚子疆之 (King of Chu demarcated boundaries).
本义 (Original meaning):田界 (field boundary)
【造字法】(Character formation):形声 (phonetic and semantic). The ancient script uses 土 (earth) and 彊 (strong). 彊 consists of 弓 (bow) and 畺 (field boundary), which indicates measuring land with a bow.
引申 (Extended meanings):
1. 同本义 (Same original meaning): field
2. 引申为国界、边界 (Extended to mean borders).
3. 疆域 (territory).
4. 止境;穷尽 (limit).
动 (Verb): 划定界限 (to delimit).
形 (Adjective): 通“强” (to be strong).
1. 同“彊(强),强大 (same as strong, be powerful).
2. Example: 管仲去鲁入齐,鲁弱而齐疆 (Guan Zhong left Lu for Qi, Lu was weak while Qi was strong).