Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "痂", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "痂", and master the standard way of writing the character "痂".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 痂
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "痂" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
痂 [jiā]
1. A substance formed from the coagulation of blood or lymph from a wound or sore, which falls off on its own after the wound or sore heals: crust over a sore; scabies.
2. Crust over a sore; also known as scabies.
1. From 《说文》: "痂, 疥也. 从疒, 加声." (Translation: "Jiā refers to scabies, it derives from the term for disease.")
2. From 《广雅》: "痂, 创也." (Translation: "Jiā refers to a wound. Today, the scales that fall off from sores are referred to as痂.")
3. From 《南史》: "刘邕嗜食痂." (Translation: "Liu Yong had a fondness for eating scabs.")
4. From 《聊斋志异·翩翩》: "数日,疮痂尽脱." (Translation: "After several days, the scabs from the wounds fell off completely.")
Also known as: 痂查 (crusted skin); 痂癞 (a term in traditional Chinese medicine for a type of skin disease); 痂皮 (the mass formed on the surface of a wound or sore from platelets and fibrin, which falls off on its own after healing); also refers to a wound or sore itself.
1. From 唐· 段成式《酉阳杂俎续集》: "旁有乞兒箕坐,痂面饥衣." (Translation: "Beside sat a beggar child, with a scabbed face and ragged clothes.")