Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "肯", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "肯", and master the standard way of writing the character "肯".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 肯
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "肯" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
to agree / to consent / to be ready (to do sth) / willing
1. 许可,愿意: 首肯 (nodding in agreement).
(Permission, willingness: nodding in agreement.)
2. 骨头上附着的肉: 肯綮 (the place where flesh attaches to bone, metaphorically important key). 中肯 (to hit the nail on the head).
(Flesh attached to bone: the place where flesh attaches to bone, metaphorically important key. To hit the nail on the head.)
1. 假借为“可”。表示应允,同意 ([En.] agree; consent)
(Borrowed as "can." Indicates acknowledgment, agreement.)
2. 愿意,心甘情愿、乐意 ([En.] be willing to; be ready to)
(Willingness, being ready and willing.)
1. 恰恰 ([En.] just)
(Exactly; just.)
2. 〈方〉表示时常、易于 ([En.] often)
(Dialect: indicates frequency or ease.)
1. 《说文》:肎,骨间肉肎肎着也。 俗字误作肯。
(Shuowen: 肎, flesh between bones attached firmly. Incorrectly written as 肯.)
2. 《庄子·养生主》:技经肯綮之未尝。
(From Zhuangzi: skilled with no experience on crucial elements.)
1. 又如: 肯綮
(For example: 肯綮.)
2. 劝说了半天,他才肯了; 肯认(认可,同意); 肯可(赞成,同意); 肯首(点头表示同意); 肯酒(允婚酒,表示女方应允亲事)
(For example: After persuading for a long time, only then did he agree; acknowledge; approve; nod in agreement; wedding acceptance drinks.)
1. 恰恰 ([En.] just)
2. 〈方〉表示时常、易于 ([En.] often)
(Dialect: indicates frequency.)
1. 《红楼梦》:你又拿我作情,倒说我小性儿,行动肯恼。
(From Dream of the Red Chamber: You think of me as a person of small temper, but you seem to provoke me often.)
1. 又如: 这几天肯下雨
(For example: It might rain these days.)