Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "腿", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "腿", and master the standard way of writing the character "腿".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 腿
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "腿" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 下肢,在脚的上面,在膝上胯下的称“大腿”,在膝下脚上的称“小腿”。(Leg: Refers to the lower limb, the part above the foot, called "thigh" above the knee and "calf" below the knee.)
2. 器物上像腿的部分。(A leglike part of an object: e.g., table leg.)
3. 特指经盐腌、洗晒、晾挂等工序加工成的猪后腿。(Specifically refers to the hind leg of a pig processed through salting, washing, sun-drying, and hanging.)
1. 下肢,在脚的上面,在膝上胯下的称“大腿”,在膝下脚上的称“小腿”。(Leg: Refers to the lower limb, the part above the foot, called "thigh" above the knee and "calf" below the knee.)
2. 器物上像腿的部分:桌子~儿。(A leglike part of an object such as a table leg.)
3. 特指经盐腌、洗晒、晾挂等工序加工成的猪后腿:火~。云~。(Specifically refers to the hind leg of a pig processed through salting, washing, sun-drying, and hanging: e.g., smoked leg, cloud leg.)
1. 胫和股的总称 ([En.] leg)。人和动物主要用来支承身体并使身体从一点移到另一点(特别是以行走的方式)的肢体之一。
(Leg: The general term for the shin (胫) and thigh (股) in humans and animals, primarily used to support the body and allow movement from one point to another, especially by walking.)
(Quote from Tang Dynasty writer Han Yu.)
例:又如: 腿花(棍子打在腿上;腿伤); 大腿; 粗腿; 腿股(大腿); 腿脡(腿码,腿銗腿,言其直而修长); 腿胯(腰以下至大腿的部分,常指奔跑时用力之处); 腿套(套在裤外使小腿保暖的用品); 腿腕(脚与小腿之间的部分); 腿裆,腿洼子(两股之间;胯下); 腿弯(股胫间弯曲处。)
2. 在用途上或形状上和动物的腿类似的东西 ([En.] a leglike support)。
例:如: 腿曲裢子(一种挂在腰带上的褡裢); 腿繃(腿絣,绑腿一类的用品); 桌子腿。
3. 供食用的动物大腿,尤指鲜的、腌制的或熏制的猪大腿 ([En.] ham)。
例:如: 云腿; 南腿。
flowery of fist with fancy footwork (idiom) / highly embellished and ineffectual / fancy but impractical skills / all show and no go / pugilistic wankery