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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蚩", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "蚩", and master the standard way of writing the character "蚩".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 蚩
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蚩" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
蚩 [chī]
1. 无知,痴愚。
Ignorance, foolishness.
例: 蚩拙(粗俗笨拙).
Example: clumsy and unsophisticated.
2. 同“嗤”,讥笑。
Same as "嗤," to sneer.
3. 同“媸”,丑陋。
Same as "媸," ugly.
【本义】: 蚩虫
Original meaning: a type of insect.
【造字法】: 形声。从虫,之声。
Character formation: phono-semantic; related to insects.
4. 同本义 (a kind of insect).
【引】: 《说文》:蚩,蚩虫也。
Quote: "说文" states that 蚩 refers to 蚩虫, an insect.
5. 传说中的一种海兽 ([En.] marine beast).
A legendary type of sea creature.
6. 姓。
例: 蚩尤
Example: 蚩尤 (Chi You).
1. 痴呆,愚蠢 ([En.] ignorant; stupid)
Ignorant and foolish.
【引】: 《释名》:蚩,痴也。
Quote: "释名" explains that 蚩 means foolish.
例: 蚩骏 (痴呆笨拙); 蚩人 (愚人).
Examples: 傻乎乎的 (idiot); fool.
2. 通“媸”。丑陋; 丑恶 ([En.] ugly)
Ugly and hideous.
【引】: 《后汉书·张壹传》:孰知辨其蚩妍。
Quote: In "后汉书", it is stated who can differentiate its ugly features.
例: 蚩妍 (丑与美).
Example: 蚩妍 refers to both ugliness and beauty.
1. 欺侮 ([En.] bully)
To bully.
【引】: 张衡《西京赋》:蚩眩边鄙。
Quote: "西京赋" states that 蚩 means to insult.
例: 蚩辱 (侮辱);
Example: to insult.
2. 通“嗤”。讥笑 ([En.] sneer)
To sneer.
【引】: 《苍颉篇》:蚩,笑也。
Quote: "苍颉篇" states that 蚩 means to laugh.
例: 蚩辱之。
Example: to mock and insult.