谲 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 谲
Stroke Order Diagrams for 谲
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 谲
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 谲
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谲" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谲" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 谲
1. 欺诈,玩弄手段。
- Cheat, manipulate.
2. 欺诈,玩弄手段:
- Deception (crafty);
- 奇异多变 (strange and changeable);
- 离奇古怪 (odd and bizarre);
- 诡诈,狡诈 (cunning, crafty).
- 狡~ (cunning).
谲 jué
1. 欺骗;诈骗 ([En.] cheat; swindle)
- 引:
- 《说文》:譎,权诈也。 (Cheating is a form of cunning.)
- 《广雅》:譎,欺也。 (Deception is cheating.)
- 《韩非子·定法》:而奸臣犹有所谲其辞矣。 (But treacherous ministers still deceive with their words.)
- 《韩非子·孤愤》:此人臣之所以谲主便私也。 (This is how ministers deceive their lords for their own interests.)
- 例:谲主 (deceive the ruler);
谲诳 (deception);
谲数 (crafty tactics).
2. 通“决”。判断,判别 ([En.] judge)
- 引:
- 《荀子·儒效》:若夫谲德而定次,量能而授官。 (To judge one's virtues and assign ranks and positions accordingly.)
谲 jué
1. 诡诈 ([En.] crafty; cunning)
- 引:
- 《论语》:晋文公谲而不正。 (Duke Wen of Jin was cunning but not upright.)
- 例:谲计 (cunning plot);
谲怪 (cunning and bizarre);
谲数 (cunning tactics);
谲诡 (strange, changeable).
2. 怪异 ([En.] strange)
- 引:
- 张衡《东京赋》:瑰异谲诡。 (Strange and bizarre.)
- 傅毅《舞赋》:瑰姿谲起。 (Striking and strange beauty.)
- 王符《潜夫论》:虚无谲诡,此乱道之根也。 (Illusion and strangeness, the root of chaos.)
- 例:谲怪 (strange and odd);
谲觚 (strange and unusual);
谲诡 (absurd and changeable);
谲诡不经 (bizarre and illogical).
3. 婉曲。尤指谏劝时,不直言过失而隐约其词的 ([En.] indirect).
- 例:谲谏 (indirect advice, not directly pointing out faults).
weird / sly / treacherous