Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "豁", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "豁", and master the standard way of writing the character "豁".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 豁
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "豁" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
play Chinese finger game, opening / stake all / sacrifice / crack / slit, clear / open / exempt (from) / liberal-minded
豁 [huō]
1. 残缺,裂开 (crack):
如: 豁齿 (missing teeth); 豁牙锯齿 (damaged edge of an object resembling teeth); 豁牙 (the broken edge of an object).
1. 裂开; 割裂 (slit; break; crack):
例: 墙上豁了一个口子 (There is a crack in the wall); 豁口截舌 (cutting open the mouth to remove the tongue, meaning to silence someone).
2. 舍弃,狠心付出某种代价 (give up; sacrifice):
例: 豁出三天时间,也要把它做好 (Dedicate three days to ensure it is done well); 豁出性命 (sacrifice one's life); 豁脱 (spend); 豁撒 (throw away; squander); 豁平 (give up).
3. 〈方〉∶跨 (stride):
例: 豁上马背 (stride onto the horse's back; committing to a difficult situation).
4. 〈方〉∶指草和庄稼混长在一起,把土地糟蹋了 (waste):
例: 地豁了 (The land was wasted by grass growing among the crops).
5. 另见 huó; huò.
豁 [huō]
1. 开阔;宽敞:
如: 豁亮 (bright and open); 宽豁 (spacious).
2. 开通;大度:
如: 豁达 (open-minded).
3. 显赫;通达:
如: 显豁 (prominent).
4. 排遣;消散:
如: 豁情散哀 (relieve feelings and disperse sorrow).
5. 免除:
如: 豁免 (exempt).
通敞的山谷: "豁,通谷也。" (A broad, open valley.)
如: "如虹壮气终难豁,安得云涛万里舟。" (A line from a poem by Lu You); "卿言殊豁吾意,成败吾决行之。" (Words conveying clear ideas; a decision on success or failure depends on action).
豁拳 [huáquán] 见 划拳.
参见 豁拳 条.