Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "度", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "度", and master the standard way of writing the character "度".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 度
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "度" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
度 (dù)
名词 (noun)
1. 计算长短的器具或单位:尺∼ (Measure of length: ruler).
2. 事物所达到的境界:高∼ (Realm; level achieved).
3. 分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角∼ (Unit of angle; one full circle is 360 degrees).
4. 依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温∼ (Standard units based on metric).
5. 电能的单位,一千瓦小时电量的通称 (Unit of electricity; kilowatt-hour).
6. 法则,应遵行的标准:法∼ (Rules; laws to be followed).
7. 哲学上指一定事物保持自己质的数量界限 (Philosophical term for the limits of a thing's nature).
8. 能容受的量:气∼ (Capacity; how much can be contained).
9. 考虑,打算:置之∼外 (Consideration; plan).
10. 过,由此到彼:∼日 (Pass; to cross over).
11. 量词,次:一∼ (Measure word for instances).
12. 僧尼道士劝人出家 (To persuade someone to leave worldly life; become a monk).
13. 姓 (Surname).
动词 (verb)
1. 度过,越过 (To pass; to cross).
2. 僧尼道士劝人离俗出家 (To persuade someone to embrace monastic life).
3. 超度; 宗教说法,使死者灵魂得以脱离地狱诸苦难 (To perform rituals for the deceased to release them from suffering).
4. 谱写 (To compose music).
次 (times)
5. 词缀。加在“年、季、月”后,指时间段落 (A suffix used in time periods).
补充义 (Additional meanings)
1. 计算,推测 (To calculate, to estimate).
2. 计算,推测:忖∼,揣∼ (To measure or weigh; contemplate).