朗 Stroke Order
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Information of 朗
clear / bright
朗 [lǎng]
本义: 明亮
造字法: 形声。从月,良声。
1. 明亮,光线充足:
- 明亮如天: bright as the sky.
- 开朗: open and bright.
- 爽朗: bright and clear.
2. 声音清楚、响亮:
- 朗声: loud and clear voice.
- 朗读: read aloud.
- 朗诵: recite loudly.
- 书声朗朗: the sound of books being read is bright and clear.
3. 明察:
- 善于洞察: sharp-minded and perceptive.
4. 高洁:
- 高尚而纯洁: noble and unsullied.
5. 清早:
- 早晨: early morning.
6. 清澈:
- 明亮透明: limpid and clear.
7. 爽朗:
- 明快而舒展: bright and cheerful.
8. 颖悟:
- 聪明而理解力强: understanding and insightful.
1. 《说文》:朗,明也。 "Lǎng signifies brightness."
2. 《诗·大雅·既醉》:高朗令终。 "High and bright brings an end."
3. 《国语·楚语下》:其圣能光远宣朗。 "The sage can illuminate far and wide."
4. 《淮南子·原道》:新而不朗。 "New yet not bright."
5. 嵇康《琴赋》:朗月垂光。 "The bright moon casts its light."
6. 陶潜《桃花源记》:复行数十步,豁然开朗。 "After walking a few dozen steps, everything became clear."
7. 王羲之《兰亭集序》:天朗气清。 "The sky is clear and bright."
- 朗白: 明亮发白; bright and white.
- 朗朗: 光明亮洁的样子; sounds bright and clear.
- 朗鉴: 明鉴; clear insight.
- 朗亮: 雪亮; bright and clear.
- 朗明: 明亮; bright.
- 朗净: 明净; very clear.
- 朗烈: 明亮; radiant.
- 朗朗烈烈: 大大方方; forthright and straightforward.
1. 李白《劳劳亭歌》:朗咏清川飞夜霜。 "A bright chant over the clear river at night."
2. 朗言: 响亮的话; loud talk; speak boldly.
3. 朗然: 形容声音响亮; describing a voice as loud and clear.
4. 朗吟: 高声的吟诵; reciting loudly.
5. 朗弹: 大声弹奏; play loudly.
6. 朗畅: 声音响亮流畅; sounds loud and smooth.
**Example of meanings:**
- 朗心: 明察之心; a bright mind.
- 朗照: 明察; clear insight.
- 朗抱: 旷达的胸襟; a broad-minded disposition.
- 朗练: 明白凝炼; clear and concise.
- 朗秀: 清秀; clear and refined.
- 朗夷: 高洁坦荡; noble and straightforward.
珠 穆 朗 玛 峰 Zhū mù lǎng mǎ Fēng
Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan) / Mt Everest / Nepalese: Sagarmatha
spacious and well-lit / open and clear / (of character) optimistic / cheerful / carefree
clear and bright (of weather) / straightforward / candid / open
to read aloud with expression / to recite / to declaim
clear and bright / unclouded / clear and sonorous (voice) / clear and lively (narrative)
suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing / fig. everything becomes clear at once / to achieve speedy enlightenment
Lembert / Rambert / Lambert