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逞 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 逞

逞 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 逞

逞 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 逞

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 逞

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 逞

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "逞" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 逞 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Download Free Worksheet (PDF)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "逞" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 逞 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 逞

Pinyin chěng
10 strokes
please oneself / presume on / boast
dé chěng
to prevail / to have one's way / to get away with it
chěng qiáng
to show off / to try to be brave
chěng yīng xióng
display gallantry
chěng néng
to show off one's ability / to boast one's merits
chěng wēi fēng
bù chěng zhī tú
chěng xiōng
bluster / act violently / act with murderous intent
chěng qiáng hào shèng