Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "驿", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "驿", and master the standard way of writing the character "驿".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 驿
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "驿" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
驿 yì
1. In ancient times, a place for couriers to rest and change horses while delivering official documents; also refers to the horses used for this purpose.
Examples: 驿站 (post station), 驿馆 (post inn), 驿丞 (official in charge of the post station), 驿吏 (post courier).
2. A character used in place names today.
现为地名用字: 龙泉驿 (Longquan District in Sichuan Province, China).
3. An ancient synonym for "绎," meaning to come and go in succession.
驿 yì
1. The original meaning: ancient horses used for delivering official documents or transmitting messages.
【本义】: 古代供传递公文或传送消息用的马
2. The character's composition: a pictophonetic character combining the character for horse and the sound "yì."
【造字法】: 形声。从马,睪 (yì) 声。
3. Synonyms:
- Same original meaning ([En.] post horse)
同本义 ([En.] post horse)
4. Examples from ancient texts:
1. 《说文》 says: 驿 is to provide for riding.
2. Refers to the post system established by Mencius.
3. 馹 (yǒu) is for carriage, while 驿 is for mounted rides.
4. 《左传·文公十六年》: The prince of Chu rode a post horse.
5. 《左传·襄公二十七年》: Sending a post to visit various kings.
6. 《后汉书·张衡传》: The post arrived days later.
5. Synonyms:
- Post station ([En.] post)
驿站 ([En.] post)
6. Examples from literature:
陆游《卜算子·咏梅》: “By the broken bridge outside the post station, lonely blooms open without a master.”
7. Other related terms:
- 驿递夫马 (posts and horses)
- 驿马星 (related to astrology; signifies travel, official appointment, or relocation)
- 驿吏 (official managing the post station)
- 驿亭 (an ancient resting place for travelers)
- 驿书 (documents delivered by post horse)
- 驿馆 (inn, post house)
- 驿骑 (couriers riding post horses to deliver documents)