Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "挞", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "挞", and master the standard way of writing the character "挞".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 挞
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "挞" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
挞 (tà)
Meaning: To hit someone with a whip or stick.
1. 用鞭棍等打人。
[En.] To hit someone with a whip or stick.
Example: 鞭~。
[En.] Whip someone.
2. 引申为攻打。
[En.] Extended meaning: To attack.
Example: 挞责(攻击指责)
[En.] Attack or criticize.
3. 拍打。
[En.] To pat.
Example: 便脱下鞋底,将字迹挞没了。
[En.] Took off the shoe sole and wiped out the characters.
Definitions from ancient texts:
1. 《说文》:挞,乡饮酒,罚不敬,挞其背也。
[En.] "In the local drinking of wine, if one is disrespectful, they will be punished by being struck on the back."
2. 《周礼·闾胥》:掌其比觵挞罚之事。注:“扑也。”
[En.] "In charge of punishment matters." Note: "to strike."
3. 《周礼·小胥》:而挞其怠慢者。
[En.] "To strike those who are negligent."
4. 《礼记·内则》:而挞之流血。
[En.] "To strike until blood flows."
5. 《列子·黄帝》:斫挞无伤痛。
[En.] "To strike without causing pain."
6. 唐·高适《封丘作》:鞭挞黎庶令人悲。
[En.] "Whipping the common people brings sadness."
Example compounds:
- 鞭挞 (whipping)
- 挞市 (flogging in the market)
- 挞辱 (to whip and humiliate)
- 挞笞 (to beat with a whip or bamboo board)
- 挞讯 (to interrogate by beating)
- 挞通 (to strike through)
- 挞架 (to fight)