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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "缁", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "缁", and master the standard way of writing the character "缁".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 缁
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "缁" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
緇 zī
1. 黑色。
Black color.
2. 黑色:
- ~衣 (black clothes).
- ~帷 (black curtains).
- ~素 (a. black and white; b. refers to monks and laypeople, as monks wear black while ordinary people wear white).
- ~黄 (referring to monks and Taoists).
3. (形) 本义: 帛黑色
(Adjective) Original Meaning: The black color of silk.
4. (名) 僧侣
(Noun) Monks and priests.
5. (名) 黑色僧服。亦指僧侣或作僧侣
(Noun) Black monk robes. Also refers to monks or those who act as monks.
6. 引:
1. 《说文》: 缁,帛黑色也。
"Shuowen Jiezi": Zī refers to the black color of silk.
2. 《诗·郑风·缁衣》: 缁衣之宜兮。
"The Book of Songs": The suitability of black clothing.
3. 《韩非子·说林下》: 天雨,解素衣,衣缁衣而反。
"Han Feizi": When it rains from the sky, change from white clothes to black clothes and return.
4. 陆游《自小云顶上云顶寺》: 素衣虽成缁,不为京路尘。
Lu You: Though white clothes become black, they do not turn into dust from the capital's roads.
7. 例:
- 缁布 (black fabric).
- 缁衣 (originally a formal attire made from black silk in ancient times, later generally referring to black clothing; the black clothing worn by monks).
- 缁林 (a place where monks gather; "缁" refers to the black clothing of monks).
8. 引:
1. 《聊斋志异》: 游食缁黄,往来寄宿。
"Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio": Traveling and eating in black and yellow, coming and going to stay.
9. 例:
- 缁锡 (monk).
- 缁子 (monk).
- 缁林 (the monastic community).
- 缁徒 (monks).
10. 引:
1. 《儒林外史》: 自此更姓改名,削发披缁,去了。
"The Scholars": From then on, changing surname and name, shaving the head and wearing black, left.
11. 例:
- 缁服 (monk robes).
- 缁衲 (monk clothing, also refers to monks).
- 缁锡 (monk's robes and staff, used by monks).