Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "轍", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "轍", and master the standard way of writing the character "轍".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 轍
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "轍" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 車輪壓的痕跡:The track left by a wheel.
2. 車行的一定路線:A fixed route taken by a vehicle.
3. 詩詞、歌曲、雜曲所押的韻:The rhyme used in poetry, songs, and miscellaneous lyrics.
4. 辦法,主意:Method or idea.
5. 途徑,門路:Way or route.
1. 車輪壓的痕跡:如「覆~」、「車~」、「南轅北~」。
The track left by a wheel: e.g., "retrace one's steps," "the track of a vehicle," "to go in opposite directions."
2. 車行的一定路線:上下~。
A fixed route taken by a vehicle: "upward and downward."
3. 詩詞、歌曲、雜曲所押的韻:~口。合~押韻。
The rhyme used in poetry and songs: e.g., "rhyme scheme" or "to rhyme together."
4. 辦法,主意:沒~了。
Method or idea: "There is no method."
5. 途徑,門路。
Way or route.
[Origin]: The traces left by vehicle wheels.
【造字法】:形聲。從車,徹( chè)省聲。
[Character Formation]: Phonetic compound. The left element represents a vehicle, and the right element is a phonetic hint.
1. 同本義 ([En.] the track of a wheel)
1. 《左傳·莊公十年》:下,視其轍;登,軾而望之。
2. 《賣炭翁》:曉駕炭車輾冰轍。
2. 車子 ([En.] carriage; cart)
1. 文天祥《指南錄後序》:會使轍交馳,北邀當國去相見。
3. 道路([En.] road)
1. 宋· 胡銓《好事近》:欲駕巾車歸去,有豺狼當轍。
4. 途徑;門路;路數,路子 ([En.] way)
1. 隋· 潘徽《韻纂序》:總會舊轍,創立新意。
5. 比喻錯誤或教訓 ([En.] error; lesson; moral).
6. 歌詞、戲曲、雜曲等所押用的韻攝 ([En.] rhyme of a song).
1. 車輪碾過所留下的痕跡。如:「車轍」。《左傳·莊公十年》:「吾視其轍亂,望其旗靡,故逐之。」
The track left by a wheel. E.g., "wheel track." "I observe the disorder of the tracks."
2. 途徑、路數。如:「重蹈覆轍」、「如出一轍」。
Way or route. E.g., "to repeat past mistakes."
3. 法則、原則。《詩–陶淵明〈詠貧士〉詩七首之一》:「量力守故轍,豈不寒與饑。」
Rules or principles. "Measure one's capabilities and adhere to old rules."