Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "遺", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "遺", and master the standard way of writing the character "遺".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 遺
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "遺" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
遺 yí
1. 丟失: to lose.
2. 漏掉: to omit; to leave out.
3. 丟失的東西,漏掉的部分: lost articles; omitted parts.
4. 餘,留: to leave behind; to remain.
5. 死人留下的: left by the deceased.
6. 不自覺地排泄: involuntary discharge (of urine, etc.).
7. 生物體的構造和生理機能由上一代傳給下一代: heredity; passing traits from one generation to another.
8. 拋棄: to abandon.
遺 yí (as a verb)
1. 同本義: to lose.
2. 遺漏,因疏忽而漏掉: to omit; to leave out.
3. 遺棄;捨棄: to abandon.
4. 不自主地排泄: involuntary discharge of urine, etc.
5. 殘存。留下: to remain; to leave behind at one’s death.
6. 缺失: to lack; be short of.
7. 遺忘: to forget.
8. 遺留: to leave over; to hand down.
9. 專指死人留下的: specifically refers to things left by the deceased.
10. 離開,脫離: to leave; to depart from.
11. 墮,落下;下垂: to fall; to descend.
12. 廢止: to abolish; to annul.
遺 yí (as a noun)
1. 遺失之物: lost articles.
2. 姓: a surname.
3. 另見 wèi: also see wèi.
遺 wèi
1. 給予;饋贈: to give; to offer as a gift.
2. 送交;交付: to turn over; to hand over.
3. 輸送: to carry.
4. 加給: to add.
5. 另見 yí: also see yí.