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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "瑜" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
瑜 (yú)
1. 美玉。
[En.] Fine jade.
2. 〔瑜伽〕
a. 大乘佛教的派别之一,称“瑜伽宗”。
[En.] One of the sects of Mahayana Buddhism known as "Yogacara."
b. 印度哲学的一派,此派注重调息、静坐等修行方法。
[En.] A school of Indian philosophy that emphasizes breath control, meditation, and other practices.
3. 玉的光泽,喻优点。
[En.] The luster of jade, metaphorically referring to virtues.
[En.] For example: The flaws and virtues are both evident. A flaw does not conceal the jade's beauty.
4. 【引】
1. 《说文》:瑾瑜,美玉也。
[En.] Jiǎn and yú are both forms of fine jade.
2. 《礼记·玉藻》:世子佩瑜玉。
[En.] The heir wears jade.
3. 《淮南子·缪称》:无所用之,碧瑜粪土也。
[En.] Without use, the green jade is like dirt.
5. 【例】
瑜玉 (fine jade);
瑜珉 (yú, fine jade; mín, a stone resembling jade, metaphorically distinguishing the real from the fake);
瑜珥 (ornaments worn by women on ears);
瑜佩 (jade ornaments, also refers to people who wear jade pendants).
6. 玉的光彩。比喻优点。亦形容美好。
[En.] The brilliance of jade. Metaphorically refers to virtues as well as beauty.
瑜百瑕一 (metaphor for many virtues with few flaws);
瑜瑕 (metaphor for good and bad);
瑜璟 (the luster of jade).
7. ([En.] 梵语)∶瑜伽
[En.] Yoga.