Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "荼", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "荼", and master the standard way of writing the character "荼".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 荼
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "荼" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
荼 [tú]
1. 古书上说的一种苦菜。
A type of bitter edible plant mentioned in ancient texts.
2. 古书上指茅草的白花。
Refers to the white flowers of reeds in ancient texts.
3. 古同“涂”,涂炭。
Same as "涂", meaning mud.
荼 [tú]
1. 同本义。苣菜属和莴苣属植物。
Same as the original meaning. Plants from the genus Lactuca and the genus Cichorium (a bitter edible plant).
2. 白色。
3. 刘绩补注:“荼首,白首也。”
Liu Ji's note: "荼首 denotes white hair."
4. 茅草、芦苇之类的小白花。
The white flowers of grass such as reeds.
5. 杂草。
6. 用同“涂”。烂泥。比喻苦难。
Similar to "涂". Mud, metaphorically referring to suffering.
7. 通“涂”。
Same as "涂", meaning mud.
荼 [tú]
1. 借。
To borrow.
2. 另见 shū。
See also shū.
荼 [shū]
名: 玉板,古朝会时所执。
Noun: Jade tablet, held during ancient court meetings.
荼 [shū]
形: 通“舒”。舒缓。
Adjective: Similar to "舒". Leisurely.
荼 [shū]
名: 玉板,古朝会时所执。
Noun: Jade tablet, held during ancient court meetings.
Reference: "Xunzi: When the emperor guides with a jade rod, the lords use jade tablets, and the ministers wear wooden staffs, it is ritual."
荼 [shū]
形: 通“舒”。舒缓。
Adjective: Similar to "舒". Leisurely.
例: 如:荼缓 (舒缓)。
Example: e.g., 荼缓 (leisurely).