Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "兔", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "兔", and master the standard way of writing the character "兔".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 兔
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "兔" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
本义: 哺乳类动物,通称兔子
Meaning 1: A mammal, commonly known as a rabbit.
造字法: 象形。象踞后其尾形。
Character Formation: Pictographic; resembles the shape of a rabbit with a raised tail.
1. 同本义 ([En.] hare; rabbit)
Meaning 2: Same as the primary meaning (hare; rabbit).
2. 头部略像鼠,耳大,上唇中间分裂,尾短而向上翘,前肢比后肢短。善于跳跃,跑得很快。
Meaning 3: The head resembles that of a mouse, with large ears, a split upper lip, a short tail that is turned upward, and the front limbs shorter than the hind limbs. Known for its ability to jump and run very fast.
3. 传说中的月中玉兔 ([En.] jade rabbit in the moon).
Meaning 4: The mythical jade rabbit that lives on the moon.
4. 月亮的别称 ([En.] moon).
Meaning 5: An alternate name for the moon.
5. 古代车制 ([En.] a carriage brake).
Meaning 6: An ancient carriage device; the wooden structure under the carriage that supports the driver. Referred to as "伏兔," often shortened to "兔."
6. 制笔的兔毫。借指毛笔 ([En.] writing brush).
Meaning 7: The rabbit hair used for making brushes, often used to refer to writing brushes.
7. 詈词 ([En.] curse).
Meaning 8: A term used in curses or derogatory expressions.
捕兔,猎兔 ([En.] to hunt rabbits).
Verb: To catch or hunt rabbits.
Example: 兔罟 (a net used for catching rabbits).
Ancient term for a beautiful boy considered as a plaything for women.