Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "逮", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "逮", and master the standard way of writing the character "逮".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 逮
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "逮" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
逮 [dài]
1. 到,及。
- To reach; to arrive at.
2. 捉拿。
- To capture; to arrest.
3. 同本义
- To overtake; catch someone up; catch up with.
4. 逮捕,抓人
- To arrest (a person being captured is called "逮" and fleeing persons that are pursued are called "捕").
5. 另见 dǎi
- Also see dǎi.
1. Example from "说文": 逮,唐逮及也。 According to that, '逮' means 'catching up in movement'.
2. Example from "公羊传·成公二年": 逮于袁娄而与之盟。 ("to meet and make an agreement").
3. Example from "书·吕刑": 群后之逮在下。 ("the leaders will be caught below").
4. Example from "礼记·曲礼": 逮事父母。 ("to attend to one's parents").
5. Example from "世说新语·排调": 上不及尧、舜,下不逮周、孔,亦一时之懿士。 ("did not reach the level of Yao and Shun, nor did it reach that of Zhou and Confucius, thus they are also admirable gentlemen of that time").
6. Example from 曹植《七启》: 纵轻体以迅赴,景追形而不逮。 ("Though the light body rushed, the shadow could not catch up").
7. Example from "论语·季氏": 政逮于大夫四世矣。 ("Political authority has reached the nobles for four generations").
8. Example from 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》: 敌出不意,大惊扰,以枪上刺刀相搏击,而便捷猛鸷终弗逮。 ("The enemy was caught off guard, causing panic; though there was swift fight with rifles, they could not be captured").
- 逮及 (to reach; to arrive at a certain degree).
- 逮夜 (when night arrives).
- 逮至 (to arrive at; to reach).
逮 [dǎi]
1. 捉,捕
- To catch; to capture, used in spoken language.
2. 另见 dài
- Also see dài.
- 逮老鼠 (to catch a mouse).
- 逮蝗虫 (to catch locusts).