Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "隘", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "隘", and master the standard way of writing the character "隘".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 隘
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "隘" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
a pass or defile / narrow / confined / in distress
隘 [ài]
1. 险要的地方。
(En: important and dangerous place)
- 例:~口。要~。关~。险~。
(Examples: important pass; key location; dangerous point)
2. 狭窄。
(En: narrow)
- 例:~巷。~路。狭~。
(Examples: narrow alley; narrow road; confined)
3. 穷。
(En: impoverished)
- 例:~穷。~窘。贫~。
(Examples: impoverished; in distress)
4. 险要的通道,通常处在陡峭山谷的两个山峰之间。
(En: defile; bottleneck; pass)
- 例:左思《蜀都赋》:一人守隘,万夫莫向。
(Example: Only one person guards the defile, and ten thousand men cannot advance.)
5. 引申为心胸狭窄。
(En: narrow-minded; intolerant)
- 例:伯夷隘,柳下惠不恭。
(Example: Bo Yi was narrow-minded, and Liu Xiang didn't show respect.)
6. 隔绝。
(En: to isolate)
- 例:三国隘秦。
(Example: The three kingdoms isolated Qin.)
7. 阻止。
(En: to impede)
- 例:怀王薨,太子辞于齐王而归,齐王隘之。
(Example: After King Huai's death, the prince resigned to King Qi but was impeded by him.)