Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "購", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "購", and master the standard way of writing the character "購".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 購
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "購" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 懸賞徵求;懸賞緝捕。
(Offer a reward for; reward capture.)
【Example】: 購求 (to set a reward in order to capture a criminal); 購問 (to offer a reward for inquiry); 購懸 (to put up a reward for apprehension).
2. 獎賞。
【Example】: 甲告乙賊傷人,問乙賊殺人,非傷殴,甲當購,購幾可? 當購二兩。 (If A reports that B attacked someone, inquires if B killed someone, not just injuring, A deserves a reward; how much? The reward should be two taels.)
3. 贖取。
(To redeem.)
【Example】: 購,購贖。 (To redeem; to buy back.)
4. 買。
(To purchase.)
【Example】: 予購三百盆,皆病者,無一完者。 (I bought three hundred pots, all were sick, not one was healthy.)
5. 草名。蒌蒿,即白蒿。
(Name of a plant. Lugao, specifically white mugwort.)
【Example】: 購,蔏蔞。 (A reference to a type of herb.)
6. 通“媾”。講和;和解。
(Similar to "媾," to negotiate peace or reconcile.)
【Example】: 北購於單于。 (To make peace with the Chanyu of the North.)
- 本义: 懸賞徵求
(Original meaning: to offer a reward for a request.)
- 造字法: 形聲。从貝。从「貝」,表示與財物有關。
(Character formation: phonetic-ideographic, related to wealth because it includes the "shell" radical used for currency.)