餤 [dàn]
1. 饼 (Biscuit or flatbread)
- Example: "腊日造脂花餤。" (On the day of the lunar New Year, make the fat flower biscuits.)
2. 古同“啖” (An ancient equivalent of "啖")
- Example: "食尽,餤尸以战。" (After consuming everything, one uses the corpse to fight.)
3. 【动】同“啗”。吃 ([En.] eat)
- 引诱 ([En.] seduce)
- Example from 《尔雅》: "餤,进也。按,进食也。" (餤 means to advance or to eat.)
- Example from 《诗·小雅·巧言》: "乱是用餤。" (In chaos, one uses餤.)
- Example from 《聊斋志异》: "夜不甚餤刍豆,意其病。" (At night, not eating much of the fodder indicates illness.)
4. 【名】有馅的饼类 ([En.] pastry with filling)
- Example: 餤饼 (stuffed biscuit)
5. 【动】进、进入 ([En.] to enter)
- Example from 《诗经·小雅·巧言》: "盗言孔甘,乱是用餤。" (The thief speaks sweetly; in confusion, one uses餤.)
- Example from 汉·毛亨·传: "餤,进也。" (餤 means to advance.)