Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "作", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "作", and master the standard way of writing the character "作".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 作
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "作" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
to regard as / to take (somebody) for / to do / to make
作 [zuò]
1. 起,兴起,现在起: to get up, to arise, to start now.
2. 从事,做工: to engage in, to work.
3. 举行,进行: to hold, to carry out.
4. 干出,做出,表现出,制造出: to produce, to make, to manifest, to manufacture.
5. 当成,充当: to serve as, to act as.
6. 创造: to create.
7. 文艺方面的成品: works of literature and art.
8. 同“做”: same as "做" (to do).
9. 旧时手工业制造加工的场所: place of traditional handcraft production.
10. 从事某种活动: to engage in a certain activity.
1. 起,兴起,现在起: 举例: 振作。枪声大作 (to rise, to spring up, to begin now: e.g., to rally. The gunfire became loud).
2. 从事,做工: 举例: 工作。休息。事业 (to engage in, to work: e.g., work. To rest. To pursue a career).
3. 举行,进行: 举例: 作别(分别)。作乱。作案。作战。作报告 (to hold, to carry out: e.g., to say goodbye. To create chaos. To commit a crime. To engage in battle. To present a report).
4. 干出,做出,表现出,制造出: 举例: 作恶。作弊。作梗。作祟。作态。作色。作为。作难。作奸犯科 (to produce, to make, to manifest, to manufacture: e.g., to do evil. To commit fraud. To obstruct. To haunt. To act pretentiously. To show expressions. To act. To find difficulties. To commit crimes).
5. 当成,充当: 举例: 作罢。作保。作伐(做媒人)。作壁上观 (to serve as, to act as: e.g., to stop. To act as a guarantee. To act as a go-between. To watch from the sidelines).
6. 创造: 举例: 创作。写作。作曲。作家 (to create: e.g., to create works. To write. To compose music. A creator).
7. 文艺方面的成品: 举例: 作品。不朽之作 (works of literature and art: e.g., a piece of work. An immortal creation).
8. 同“做”: same as "做".
9. 旧时手工业制造加工的场所: 举例: 作坊 (place of traditional handcraft production: e.g., workshop).
10. 从事某种活动: 举例: 作揖。作弄。作死 (to engage in a certain activity: e.g., to bow. To engage in play. To die).
作 [zuò]
1. 作品;文章: works; articles.
2. 事情,事业: affairs; enterprises.
3. 措施;办法: measures; methods.
4. 另见 zuō: see also zuō.
作坊: workshop; a place of small-scale production.
作坊: small instrument production.
作 [zuō]
1. 作坊,手工业工场: workshop; place of handcraft production.
2. 另见 zuò (except for 作坊, others are read as zuò).