Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "供", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "供", and master the standard way of writing the character "供".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 供
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "供" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
供 [gōng]
1. The act of preparing something for those in need.
1. Supply; feed; provide; equip.
1. Synonymous with the original meaning: supply and provide.
同本义 ([En.] supply; feed; provide; equip)
2. To provide certain conditions (for the use or convenience of).
提供某种条件([En.] 给对方利用) ([En.] for (the use or convenience of)).
Example: 如:仅供参考;专供研究生用的阅览室;供顿(设宴待客);供断(供尽。极言提供之多)
形 [gōng]
1. Synonymous with “恭” (respectful and cautious).
通“恭”。恭敬。有礼貌 ([En.] respectful and cautious)
Example: 又如:供翼(恭敬小心。供:通恭)
供 [gòng]
1. To present with deep respect; to lay out.
2. To offer in worship; to serve (as an act of reverence).
供奉,供献 ([En.] present with all respect)
3. The act of worship, where one places incense and candles in front of deities or ancestors.
祭祀,奉祀。把香烛等放在神佛或祖先的像(或牌位)前面表示敬奉 ([En.] offer in worship).
4. To wait on; serve.
伺奉;伺候 ([En.] wait on).
5. To engage in or undertake.
从事,担任 ([En.] hold).
6. To confess or admit facts during an interrogation.
受审者陈述案情 ([En.] confess; own up)
名 [gòng]
1. Confession, as in statements made by the accused regarding their case.
供词,口供,受审者所说的案情 ([En.] confession)
Example: 又如:翻供;供款(供词)
2. Offerings; items presented during worship.
供品,祭品,祭祀时奉献的物品 ([En.] offerings).
Example: 如:供养(供品);供尖(供品的顶端部分)
3. See also gōng.
另见 gōng.