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认 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 认

认 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 认

认 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 认

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 认

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 认

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "认" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 认 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "认" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 认 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 认

Pinyin rèn
4 strokes
to recognize / to know / to admit
rèn kě
to approve / approval / acknowledgment / OK
fǒu rèn
to declare to be untrue / to deny
shǐ kǒu fǒu rèn
to deny flatly
wú kě fóu rèn
There is no denying it. / It cannot be denied that ... / It is not to be denied that... / There is no denying.
rèn dìng
to maintain (that sth is true) / to determine (a fact) / determination (of an amount) / of the firm opinion / to believe firmly / to set one's mind on / to identify with
chéng rèn
to admit / to concede / to recognize / recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc) / to acknowledge
rèn juān
rèn zhēn
conscientious / earnest / serious / to take seriously / to take to heart
què rèn
to confirm / to verify / confirmation
rèn wéi
to believe / to think / to consider / to feel
rèn shi
to know / to recognize / to be familiar with / to get acquainted with sb / knowledge / understanding / awareness / cognition
rèn zhèng
to authenticate / to approve
rèn de
to recognize / to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it / to know
rèn tóng
to approve of / to endorse / to acknowledge / to recognize / to identify oneself with
gōng rèn
publicly known (to be) / accepted (as)
rèn chū
recognition / to recognize
biàn rèn
to recognize / to identify
rèn zhī
cognition / cognitive / understanding / perception / awareness / to be cognizant of / to recognize / to realize
rèn cuò
to admit an error / to acknowledge one's mistake
rèn shū
to concede / to admit defeat
rèn gòu
to undertake to purchase sth / to subscribe (to share issue)
rèn shi lùn
epistemology (in philosophy, the theory of how we know things)
rèn qīng
to see clearly / to recognize / to realize
gòng rèn bù huì
to make a full confession / to plead guilty
wù rèn wéi
mistake for / take for
rèn zhàng
to own up to a fault / to admit the truth / to acknowledge a debt
rèn zéi zuò fù
lit. to acknowledge the bandit as one's father (idiom); fig. a complete betrayal / to sell oneself to the enemy
zì rèn dǎo méi
tough luck / tough titty / accept the bad luck / suck on it
mò rèn
to agree tacitly / tacit approval / default (setting)