矢 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 矢
Stroke Order Diagrams for 矢
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 矢
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 矢
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "矢" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "矢" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 矢
矢 [shǐ]
名词 (Noun)
1. 箭: Arrow.
2. 誓: To swear; vow.
3. 正直: Honesty; integrity.
4. 陈列: To display.
5. 施布: To carry out or implement.
6. 古代投壶用的筹码: Counter used in the ancient game of 投壶.
7. 同“屎”:粪便: Excrement; feces.
- 箭:流~。弓~。有的(dì)放~。~镞。
- 誓:~志不渝(发誓立志,永不改变)。
- 正直:~言(正直的言论)。
- 陈列:“公~鱼于棠”。
- 施布:“~其文德”。
- 古代投壶用的筹。
- 同“屎”,粪便 (Excrement; feces).
动词 (Verb)
1. 通“誓”:To swear.
2. 通“施”:To carry out.
3. 陈述: To state.
4. 陈列: To display.
- 通“誓”:发誓 (swear).
- 通“施”:施行 (carry out).
- 陈述: 陈述 (state).
- 陈列: 陈列 (display).
形容词 (Adjective)
1. 直; 正直,端正: Upright; honest; correct.
- 直: 直 (right).
引 (Reference)
1. 《释名》: 矢又谓之箭。
2. 《说文》: 矢,弓弩矢也。
3. 《周礼·司弓矢》: 掌六弓、四弩、八矢法。
4. 《广雅》: 矢,箭也。
5. 《易·噬》: 嗑得金矢,解得黄矢。
6. 《战国策·齐策》: 疾如锥矢。
7. 《礼记·少仪》: 侍投则拥矢。
8. 《诗·小雅·吉日》: 既挟我矢。
9. 《大戴礼记·投壶》: 矢以柘若棘。
10. 汉·贾谊《过秦论》: 秦无亡矢遗镞之费,而天下诸侯已困矣。
11. 宋·欧阳修《新五代史·伶官传·序》: 入于太亩,还矢先王。
例 (Examples)
- 飞矢; 矢石(箭和礧石。古代守城的武器); 矢人(造箭的工匠); 矢如雨下(箭像雨一样射来。极言其多); 矢房(箭袋); 矢书(战争中用箭射至敌方的文字); 矢干(箭杆); 矢锋(箭的尖端); 矢镝; 矢镞(箭头); 矢刃(箭和刀。泛指兵器).
persistent / forever in faith
shoot the arrow at the target -- have a definite object in view / do sth. with a purpose
arrows and stones in ancient warfare
lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism / attacked on all sides
to take an oath to do sth / to pledge / to vow
cornflower / centaury / bluebonnet / bluebottle
to shoot without aim (idiom); fig. to speak without thinking / firing blindly / to shoot in the air / a shot in the dark
One's resolve is unshaken. / swear to adhere to one's chosen course / take an oath not to change one's mind