Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "噬", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "噬", and master the standard way of writing the character "噬".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 噬
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "噬" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
噬 [shì]
1. 咬,吞。
Bite, swallow.
2. 咬,吞:
Bite, swallow:
a. Metaphor for a person who has committed a crime and is being punished;
b. Metaphor for close relationships.
3. 相关词汇:
噬肤(A metaphor for a person punished for a crime; close relationship.)
噬贤(Jealous of the capable and wise.)
噬啮(Bite and nibble.)
吞噬(Devour, swallow.)
噬脐莫及(Regret after the fact; a metaphor for being unable to undo one's mistake.)
4. 本义:咬
Original meaning: Bite.
5. 造字法:形声。从口,筮(shì)声。
Character formation: Phonetic-ideographic; from "mouth" and the phonetic component "shì".
6. 同本义(English: bite)
Same as the original meaning (English: bite).
7. 吞(English: devour; swallow)
To swallow (English: devour; swallow).
8. 如: 噬肥混赖(占了便宜还耍赖);噬攫(侵吞掠夺)。
For example: 噬肥混赖 (taking advantage yet being unreasonable); 噬攫 (to infringe and plunder).
1. 《说文》:噬,嗂也。喙也。
"Shuōwén" states: 噬 means to bite or to clamp.
2. 《易·杂卦》:噬嗑食也。
"Yíjīng" states: 噬 refers to biting and eating.
3. 《左传·哀公十二年》:国狗之瘈,无不噬也。
"[Zuo Zhuan] Aigong 12th year" states: No national dogs do not bite.
4. 《考工记·梓人》:欋杀援筮(噬)。
"[Kao Gong Ji] on carpenters" mentions: 噬 as a term related to construction.
5. 唐· 柳宗元《三戒》:虎大骇,远遁;以为且噬己也,甚恐。
Tang Dynasty author Liu Zongyuan states: The tiger was terrified and fled far away; thinking it was about to bite him, he was very frightened.
6. 《明史·海瑞传》:康乃甘心鹰犬,搏噬善类,其罪又浮于高拱。
"Ming History" notes: Some became hawks and dogs, preying on the good, with their sins weighing heavily.
9. 例如:噬指(畏惧地咬着手指头);噬脐(自己用嘴咬肚脐,够不着。比喻后悔不及);噬犬,噬狗(凶猛咬人的狗);噬搏(咬啮搏击)。
For example: 噬指 (nervously biting one's fingers); 噬脐 (biting one's own navel, unable to reach. A metaphor for regretting too late); 噬犬, 噬狗 (ferocious biting dogs); 噬搏 (biting and fighting).
Auxiliary: No meaning.
1. 《诗·唐风·有杕之杜》:彼君子兮,噬肯适我?
"Shih" states: Is that gentleman really willing to be with me?
This encapsulates the meanings and usages of the character 噬.